Sunday, February 18, 2018

This is Christ's body....

I was minding my own business, drinking coffee before church when my friend Will came up and asked me if I could do communion for someone who didn't show. Despite going to church my whole life, I had never served communion before.  At first I was too young and then later I never felt worthy of the honor. But trapped by the need, I consented. This in spite of what I knew would inevitably  happen.

When it came time, I turned to my partner, Andree and said: "you take the wine"...because I'm a spiller - I spill. I had this terrible vision of dumping a melange of wine and grape juice down someone's spring frock. As it was I was going to have problems with the crackers - I mean wafers. Because what I feared came true as soon as the first customer walked up. As I looked them in the eye and spoke the words the tears began to pool. Each time I said them the pool got bigger. I dared not reach up and wipe them away, that would have just resulted in me serving the crackers - dang! I mean wafers - off the floor.

I prayed "Lord please don't let me blubber" and He didn't but by the end my eyes were so full of tears that I couldn't see much of anything. But sometimes tears help us see more clearly, indeed sometimes we can only see the truth through tears. And my truth came through loud and clear. For while I was saying one thing, another was imprinting on my soul:

This is Christs's body, broken for you
This is Christ's body, broken for you,
This is Christ's body, broken for you,
This is Christs's body, broken

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